这是巴菲特对 Paramount Global 的看法,Paramount Global 是 BH 在 2022 年第一季度投资的一家流媒体公司。
完整记录:伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司董事长兼首席执行官沃伦·巴菲特今天在“SQUAWK BOX”节目中与 CNBC 的 BECKY QUICK 交谈
BECKY QUICK: Very quickly, can I just ask you about Paramount? That’s another Berkshire investment that’s been a relatively new one. Is it because of streaming? What happened? WARREN BUFFETT: Streaming that, you know, it’s not really a very good business. And, you know, it the people in entertainment that make lots of money, the shareholders really haven’t done that great over time. And supplied the money, it’s a glamorous business. And I had some friends in Hollywood, you know? And they look for -- and they find ’em. I mean, it’s like it attracts people. And— BECKY QUICK: You mean suckers? WARREN BUFFETT: It’s a great way to meet girls for all I know. Well no, I mean, but the is it fundamentally that good a business, when it was distributing or producing movies or and you’ve got some people that have got deep pockets that aren’t gonna quit. And the product they’re offering people, the chance to watch all those movies, you know, for peanuts and all that. But can they -- we’ll find out. But so far, they haven’t been able to. They’ve been able to attract subscribers, but they attract ’em at a terrible price. BECKY QUICK: Alright. You gave a whole lotta reasons why not to buy Paramount. Why did you buy it? WARREN BUFFETT: Well, we’ll see what happens.
巴菲特的想法简而言之:“这是一个迷人的行业……你有很多财力雄厚的人。他们提供的产品……观看所有这些电影的机会……花生……他们已经能够吸引订户但是……付出了可怕的代价。” 他的意思是,对于流媒体业务而言,客户获取成本太高,因为 PARA 必须与 Netflix 和迪士尼等资本更充足的竞争对手竞争。 但流媒体行业到处都是财力雄厚的玩家,他们可能会盯上 PARA 的 IP 资产。 换句话说,PARA 是一种收购行为——就像 BH 的较大投资 Occidental Petroleum 一样。
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