AEW: Fight Forever is reportedly set to launch on June 27, 2023, with the official announcement said to come next week.
It’s been clear that the release date would be sometime soon, especially as players on Xbox were able to begin pre-loading the new wrestling game just days ago.
At the same time though, there have also been reports of AEW: Fight Forever having some big setbacks, with even its publisher THQ Nordic in April shooting down rumours that the game is ready.
“I mean, if you want an unfinished game, sure we could release it now.” said Per Hollenbo, the global senior community manager for THQ Nordic.
He did say at the time that the game is finished, likely meaning that the team is not still working on the game’s core content, but is instead in the polishing phase, making sure everything will go as smoothly as possible when players step into the ring on launch day.
Whenever that launch day is, of course, as we still don’t officially know.
Source – [WrestlingInc]
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