Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 being this year’s new Call Of Duty title is essentially an open secret at this point, particularly due to the fact that on Monday, images of artwork for Modern Warfare 3 for a Monster Energy collaboration leaked out, also revealing the game’s logo.
This leak comes after Modern Warfare 3 was mentioned by that exact name in a DMCA strike from Activision Blizzard, and after Activision confirmed we’d be getting more information about this year’s Call Of Duty title with the Season 5 reveal for Modern Warfare II.
Which also confirmed that content from Modern Warfare II would be transferrable to this year’s title, which makes the most sense only if this year’s title is Modern Warfare 3.
For years now, Call Of Duty titles have been on a pattern that cycled through three main development teams, with Infinity Ward working on Modern Warfare titles, Treyarch on Black Ops titles, and Sledgehammer developing offshoot titles like Vanguard.
Call Of Duty enjoyed a huge boom with the 2019 reboot of the Modern Warfare series, and another with the release of Warzone.
To release Modern Warfare 3 this year breaks the pattern, but it would seem that after Vanguard’s poor showing, Activision doesn’t want a launch like that again, and is instead pivoting to focus more on Black Ops and Modern Warfare titles.
Whatever the case, it shouldn’t be too long before we officially know what this year’s Call Of Duty will be, especially when considering that Gamescom 2023 is around the corner.
Source – [Twitter via VGC]
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