Young Commander Ed is poised to box his way into Street Fighter 6’s roster later this month. He was first featured in 2016’s Street Fighter 5.
Over on the PlayStation Blog, it has the inside scoop of the new fighter. According to Takayuki Nakayama, he is made to be a high-speed boxer with nimble footwork. You can find this Year 1 character on the subway duking it out with the Mad Gear Gang.
The move set was apparently simplified from his last outing, but we can still expect all the Psycho energy deep within, with many of his punches infused with chaotic energy. Ed releases on February 27.
“Ed is a high-speed boxer. We designed his lower half so that you can clearly see his nimble footwork and added some volume to his upper body to make his punches look impactful. We also hope you take notice of the emblem on his chest and the design on his back. His attack animations have also changed significantly from Street Fighter V. To respect his background as a traditional boxer, all his attacks are now punches (except for his Level 2 Super Art). His kick buttons have been designated to various flicker attacks.”
What do you think? Are you glad to see Ed back? Let us know below!
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